Weekly Calender

Vision Prayer Meeting
Tuesdays 5-6pm

Men's group
Wednesdays 6-7am

Young Adults' Group
Wednesdays 7:30-9:30pm

Donate with Zapper

We are a vibrant Anglican Church


We worship God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


We recognise Scripture as the inspired Word of God and seek to be a relevant, accessible church firmly rooted in God's Word.


We partner with God through His Holy Spirit, recognising that it is His Spirit that transforms our lives and communities.


We honour people - we celebrate our diversity and our belonging to each other and we strive to be an example of His love.


We look beyond our church walls to inspire hope and address God's concern for the poor and broken and bring about social transformation.


We offer our time, talents and treasure to God's service. Together we want to live out His calling on our lives to bring Him glory and build his kingdom.